Saturday, September 24, 2011


This semester, I am in an Intro to Photography class as well. I have learned a lot about photography in just a few weeks. This class has helped me take better photos and better understand the photography world.  I am thinking about minoring in Photography. Here are just some of my pictures so far! Let me know what you think!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Realistic Symbol

The past few weeks we had to take a 3 dimensional object and drawing with an ebony pencil. We had to draw all shades and make the drawing realistic. The object I chose was a Hammer. It took my several hours to draw the hammer to be realistic, but I did the best I could.

After drawing the hammer in a realistic photo, we had to make several sketches to come up with a simplistic symbol to represent the object of choice. It took awhile for me to come up with this idea, but I really liked my symbol in the end. We had to Ink the final version of our symbol out on bristol board. After both the ebony pencil drawing and inked symbol were done, we matted them on matte board.