Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Map: Final Project

For our final project was to take a day in our life, a movie outline, or some kind of thing we are able to make into a map. Like with a direction and things going in order. I started with a day my best friends and I went to St. Louis, then turned into the things to do in St. Louis, then the Most popular places and things to do in St. Louis. This project over all was super fun! I love the final product. It was a few weeks long to work on the project, but I greatly enjoyed being able to do everything I was able to do with this project!! Hope you like it as well!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Social Issue Poster

Our class was given a social issue, obesity/nutrition, to make a poster to aware others about. Our class was Nutrition, so we all had to make a poster to make people aware about nutrition and health. This is the poster I made, It has the word has Nourishment down the middle, with bad health problems for each letter of the word Nourishment.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


During the Fall 2011 semester I had to take the class Ceramics. I made a lot of different projects and had some ups and downs with the projects and class overall, but it was a good learning process. These are just some of the projects that we had a chance to make. Some are just made, some dried, some fired, and some are painted. They are all at different stages of the process. ENJOY!!
Series (taking my extruder project and making a series with 3 others very similar)

Monday, October 24, 2011


We had to take a memory and illustrate that time in our life. My illustration is about the day my Great Grandmother died, I held her hand at her bed side as she passed away. Her lungs filled up with fluid and passed away from Cancer. She passed away in 2007 and to this day it is still very hard for me. The pencil sketch is my first thought, then i rearranged and made the final one in colored pencils.


We had to take the word "Typography" and make it have all the same descendants, x-heights, and medians. I didn't understand the project as well as I thought, but these are the two ways I came up to show what I best understood of the project.

Friday, October 7, 2011


This is my prezi presentation of words!! Taking different things to spell words from the environment around me!


Monday, October 3, 2011

Company Logo

This was our most recent project in Intro to Graphic Design and Illustration. We had to draw out a logo for "our company", which we made up, and then ink the logo. After inking the logo we were to scan in it and vector the logo and even to make it a color version of the logo. After our logo was done, we have to make a Business card, Envelope, and Letterhead. This is my logo, BC, Env., and Letterhead! Enjoy!!
Business Card (below)
Envelope (below)

Letterhead (below)

Saturday, September 24, 2011


This semester, I am in an Intro to Photography class as well. I have learned a lot about photography in just a few weeks. This class has helped me take better photos and better understand the photography world.  I am thinking about minoring in Photography. Here are just some of my pictures so far! Let me know what you think!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Realistic Symbol

The past few weeks we had to take a 3 dimensional object and drawing with an ebony pencil. We had to draw all shades and make the drawing realistic. The object I chose was a Hammer. It took my several hours to draw the hammer to be realistic, but I did the best I could.

After drawing the hammer in a realistic photo, we had to make several sketches to come up with a simplistic symbol to represent the object of choice. It took awhile for me to come up with this idea, but I really liked my symbol in the end. We had to Ink the final version of our symbol out on bristol board. After both the ebony pencil drawing and inked symbol were done, we matted them on matte board.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


This past week, one of our assignments was to research a Graphic Designer or Illustrator. I chose to research Michael C. Place. He is a famous Graphic Designer. His most famous piece is "Symbolism". I also had to recreate on of his artworks, with my personal touch to it. I chose to recreate his "Symbolism".

I chose to do the word "Life" and within "Life" there are Chinese symbols that represent Life, such as wisdom, family, friends, happiness, courage, and many more. There are over 50 different symbols, and none of which are repeated throughout the word "Life". I had a wonderful time recreating this artwork and I really enjoyed the recreation. Made me think outside my box and be like a famous Graphic Designer. This is my recreation of Michael's artwork!!